Monthly Forum

Join coach Becky Mollenkamp for a monthly panel discussion about issues that matter to equity-focused entrepreneurs like you.

After a brief roundtable chat among the panelists, participants will enter small breakout rooms to continue the conversation among peers.

Next Session

“Creating Equitable Communities”

Tuesday September 24 @ 1 pm Central (2 pm Eastern)
Forum Panelists
Madeline Reeves Owner, Fearless Foundry
Paid members get free & early access!

You’ll leave with that same feeling you get after a retreat — validated, loved, inspired, and like you have a community in your corner.

Each forum is limited to 24 people to create the cozy experience you deserve.

This was a healing conversation. I am grateful to be in this circle of my people. Sending you love and so much gratitude for creating these spaces for your community.

—Paige Worthy

Previous Forums

Take a peek at the portion panel of our previous forums

After the panels, we open the room – off camera – to an intimate group discussion

Collaboration over Competition

May 2024

Feminist coach Becky Mollenkamp moderates a panel discussion on how to create win-win collaborations for your business with experts Michele Price and Babs Cheung.

Babs Cheung Feminist Astrologer
Michele Price Breakthrough Business Strategist

Eat the Rich

April 2024

Feminist coach Becky Mollenkamp moderates a panel discussion on wealth and equity with financial experts Natalie Bullena and Meg Wheeler.

Natalie Bullen Unapologetic Wealth
Meg Wheeler Equitable Money Project

Breaking Up with Hustle Culture

March 2024

Becky Mollenkamp is joined by Erica Courdae and Mai-kee Tsang to discuss hustle culture for Feminist Founders Forum.

Erica Coudrae Author, coach, mentor, speaker
Mai-kee Tsang Podcast guesting expert

All About Love

February 2024

Feminist coach Becky Mollenkamp moderates a panel discussion on love in its various forms and how it affects business owners with experts Faith Clarke and Jay Asooli.

Faith Clarke Organizational health and teamwork strategist
Jay Asooli Relationship and dating coach

Breaking Business Norms

January 2024

A panel discussion about breaking capitalist norms as business owners with Becky Mollenkamp, Andrea Jones, Jordan Maney, and Rachel Formaro.

Andrea Jones Owner, Online Drea
Jordan Maney Radical Joy Coach™
Rachel Formaro Owner, Collabry

I’m so grateful for this community of feminists because it alleviates the isolation I often feel as a feminist business owner. Members and speakers are all so interesting, insightful and welcoming. Becky is a gem in holding space in which all this can happen.

Shulamit Ber Levtov

I’ve never had what’s in my heart be communicated more clearly than I have with Feminist Founders Forums. To interact with brilliant, anti-capitalist, successful entrepreneurs who share my values and validate my experiences has helped me grow my business with compassion and peace of mind.

April Pearson-Decklever

As a self-identified feminist and business owner, it has been challenging to find a space that encourages new ways of doing business and being a human who is also a founder. Having regular forums with other organizational leaders and the opportunity to engage in community is inspiring, educational, and healing. I’m truly grateful for this unique opportunity that Becky has created.

Rachel Formaro